
Delete the password in your security preferences of thunderbird
at the line of your connector url and restard th

Le 19/04/2014 18:57, Thomas Harold a écrit :
On 3/27/2014 11:53 AM, pw wrote:

I configured thundebird with SOGo Connector Thunderbird extension in
order to use my list of contacts (available on a owncloud server) inside

It works well. The only problem is thunderbird ask me at every startup
the password to check change inside my contacts. And there is no way to
tell him to remmember this password (see the attached screenshot).

I'm not sure it is SOgo related but, in doubt, I ask to the list.


P-S : Sogo connector 24.0.4 and thunderbird (icedove on debian) 24.4.0.
It doesn't seem to be a SOGo issue, as you are using OwnCloud to store
your contacts.

However, I have seen the password prompt show up a few times in
Thunderbird (on Win7) without the "remember" checkbox.  Sometimes when I
hit cancel, it eventually offers me a window with the "remember" checkbox.

A quick search shows the following possibility:


You may also want to consider installing the "StartupMaster" add-on
(currently version 1.6) which will keep you from being prompted multiple
times for the password to your security vault.

Jean-François Sénéchal
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