On 06/09/2017 19:12, stephane de Labrusse (step...@de-labrusse.fr) wrote:
Le 06/09/2017 à 11:15, Stefano Zamboni (tdi...@gmail.com) a écrit :
in any case, any hint is more than welcome
how many time before to be logged off, something precise ?

hi, sorry for the delay

no, unfortunately I have no way to understand how frequently it happens..

the strange thing is that (user reports) if I start writing a new mail, he's logged out while he's typing.. and that's really strange..

Thank you mate

anything I can do to debug?

Finally.. I personally think that SOGo is a great piece of software but it lacks tremendously on the debug side.. once you start having more than 10 users and you find an issue, you have almost no way to debug the problem (both on the server and on the client side) and (the worst thing) there's no answer from the developers on HOW to debug.. I'm not asking for a solution, I'm just asking for a debug method to help my customer and SOGo's devs.



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