Hi Thomas,

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

I was running with SOGoEASDebugEnabled = YES, and now I uploaded three EAS samples here:


Listfolders for this particular user is this:

sogo-tool manage-eas listfolders username AB2CD7F43DD84143A658BC0D19857D0A

listfolders for AB2CD7F43DD84143A658BC0D19857D0A

Folder Key: 
   Folder Name: INBOX

Folder Key: 
   Folder Name: Sent Items

Folder Key: 
   Folder Name: Deleted Items

But the logs remain cryptic to me. Outlook could so easily report WHAT email/calendar item it is currently requesting, and so could SOGo.

The above logs are with SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize = 1

Grepping (-i) the SOGoEASDebugEnabled logs for "warn" or "error" gives no (relevant) results.

Our inverse support contract has expired (we are currently renewing it, but with without support until somewhere next week) so any help here is very much appreciated. :-)

I am currently reading this (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/under-the-hood-exchange-activesync-mailbox-log-analysis/ba-p/591224) to hopefully better understand what I am looking at.

All the best,

Op 10/5/20 om 6:53 PM schreef Thomas Führer (t...@aon.at):
Hi, are there any errors in sogo.log?

Running sogo with
SOGoEASDebugEnabled = YES
can give more details in sogo.log

Regarding collectionid check:
sogo-tool -v manage-eas listdevices <user-id>
sogo-tool -v manage-eas listfolders <user-id> <device-id>

Regards, Thomas

---- mj schrieb ----


We're having an issue where outlook 2016 in EAS mode doesn't seem to
sync to SOGo anymore, and usually shows "Waiting for server response -
Connected" and occasionally says "All folders are up to date" - but all
folders are NOT up to date.

Outlook in debug mode creates endless copies of virtually identical two
kinds of files in %temp%\EASLogFiles:

* eas{2020-10-05-11-21-59-825}_2761.xml (48KB)
* eas{2020-10-05-11-21-59-825}_2760.info.xml (1KB)

The .info.xml files (1500 of them by now) are all identical:
 > <Info>
 > <Hr>0</Hr>
 > <Message>MoreAvailable</Message>
 > <File>outlook\pstprx\storeas\eascontentdownloader.cpp</File>
 > <Line>128</Line>
 > </Info>

and the .xml files (48KB) differ only in three specific lines:

new transaction ID:
 > X-TransactionID: {3271F3C5-27C8-403C-9AE7-04D8A49588F7}

The first half of the SyncKey: (127916-296532 vs 127901-296532)
 > <a0_SyncKey>127901-296532</a0_SyncKey>

And the ServerId seems to increment +1 for each next file:
 > <a0_ServerId>48430</a0_ServerId>

It looks as if the process is stuck on a particular item, and is trying
again and again. (and failing..?)

So, is there a way to find out WHAT item is causing this issue?

Is there a way to translate things like <a0_CollectionId> into actual
plain text items?

The outlook "Sync Issues" folder is empty.

Clues, anyone?


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