
Careful you probably put in your OCSAdminUrl the same as value as SOGoProfileURL

Yours should look like this
OCSAdminURL = "mysql://sogo:PASSWORD@";


For the collation, SOGo should create the correct value. For example, mines are 

For some users that use Unicode (for emoji) they would have to change that 
manually. As long as you don’t see any missing characters in your webmail, you 
have nothing to worry about.





From: users-requ...@sogo.nu <users-requ...@sogo.nu> On Behalf Of Max Malycha
Sent: mercredi 21 février 2024 18:11
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: RE: [SOGo] sogo_admin table in 5.10


I've tried to get rid of the message about missing OCSAdminURL today and set 
the value in this way:

// Hack um Fehlermeldung "OCSAdminUrl not set" zu unterdruecken

OCSAdminURL = "mysql://sogo:PASSWORD@";

Reason is I've found no db-description for the table 'sogo_admin' :(

Quentin wrote:

If you use another collation than utf8mb4 (for example utf8mb4_unicode_ci) 

you may have to change it manually, though.

Now I took a look in my MySQL database. There is no possibility to set 'pure' 
utf8mb4 collation. I can only use utf8mb4_XXX encodings, like unicode_ci, 
german2 etc. 
And the table sogo_admin was not created by the first start after the update 
... (nightly built from today).

Best Regards

Am 21. Feb. 2024, 16:55 +0100 schrieb qhivert <users@sogo.nu 
<mailto:users@sogo.nu> >:


You’re quick, I haven’t even made the full release yet 😊
Yes the table will be created by sogo itself, no need to do it manually.
If you use another collation than utf8mb4 (for example utf8mb4_unicode_ci) you 
may have to change it manually, though.



From: users-requ...@sogo.nu <mailto:users-requ...@sogo.nu>  
<users-requ...@sogo.nu <mailto:users-requ...@sogo.nu> > On Behalf Of Pavel 
Sent: mercredi 21 février 2024 15:34
To: users@sogo.nu <mailto:users@sogo.nu> 
Subject: [SOGo] sogo_admin table in 5.10


Hi to all, it's nice to hear what ver. 5.10 was released recently. Some new 
parameters was introduced - OCSAdminURL  and SOGoSuperUsernames .

In OCSAdminURL we need to set up a 'sogo_admin' table. Before start upgrade, I 
did a SQL query about tables in sogo db

$ psql -U vmailadmin -d sogo

psql (12.17 (Ubuntu 12.17-0ubuntu0.20.04.1))

Type "help" for help.


sogo=> \dt

                List of relations

 Schema |          Name          | Type  | Owner


 public | sogo_acl               | table | sogo

 public | sogo_alarms_folder     | table | sogo

 public | sogo_cache_folder      | table | sogo

 public | sogo_folder_info       | table | sogo

 public | sogo_quick_appointment | table | sogo

 public | sogo_quick_contact     | table | sogo

 public | sogo_sessions_folder   | table | sogo

 public | sogo_store             | table | sogo

 public | sogo_user_profile      | table | sogo

(9 rows)



There is no 'sogo_admin' at this moment in 5.9.1 (nightly January build) . Does 
this table will be created during upgrade process, or I should create it 
before/after upgrade?


WBR, Pavel Zhe

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