Would more mirrors be useful? I've got a ton of spare upstream bandwidth and am in the progress of setting up a few mirrors for other projects.

On 2017-11-21 10:47, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
My goal is to stop abuse without causing undue grief or fps. It may come to more draconian steps as you suggest.

On November 21, 2017 10:13:38 AM EST, AJ Weber <awe...@comcast.net> wrote:

        The major offenders are sa-update 3.3.x and generic curl clients
        on the user agent in the logs running from every minute to every 15
        minutes and blindly pulling down the same rulesets over and over.

    My "vote" counts for very, very little, but since these clients already
    have the latest rules (multiple times, apparently), why not just block them?

    If they are actually monitoring their update scripts at all (seems
    doubtful), it should get their heads out of the sand (was going to use a
    similar metaphor but wanted to be nice).  They will probably look for a
    resolution and find these latest posts.

    If they're not monitoring their updates on any regular basis, it doesn't
    seem like they care if they get them anyway.

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