Note taken. We still abide to the duties and recommendations, and expect 
well-behaved servers do the same, by identifying themselves. We cross-check, 
and if they lie, we block them.

Spammers and criminals play hide and seek, and we have both legal and contract 
obbligations to reject them by all means possible.

Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 12:12, Antony Stone 
<> wrote:

> On Tuesday 02 January 2018 at 11:12:57, Rupert Gallagher wrote: > This is the 
> normative reference. I've picked out the significant parts from your email... 
> > RFC 5322, pg. 27, section 3.6.4 > 
> --------------------------------------------------------------- > > << The 
> message identifier (msg-id) itself MUST be a globally unique > identifier for 
> a message. > a good method Note: not the required method, not the only 
> method, just "a good method". > is to put the domain name (or a domain 
> literal IP address) of the host > on which the message identifier was created 
> on the right-hand side of > the "@" (since domain names and IP addresses are 
> normally unique) > Though other algorithms will work, it is RECOMMENDED Note, 
> recommended, not required. > that the right-hand side contain some domain 
> identifier (either of > the host itself or otherwise) Antony. -- Most people 
> are aware that the Universe is big. - Paul Davies, Professor of Theoretical 
> Physics Please reply to the list; please *don't* CC me.

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