On Nov 8, 2018, at 2:30 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk> wrote:
> Do you use autolearn? There are a few rules to detect ham (score
> negatively), many of them based on default whitelists and DNS whitelists,
> where many mails come from grey area companies, not necessarily spam, but
> training their mail as ham can lower the detection rate of real spams.

autolearn is technically enabled, but every single message in ham (inbox) has 
autolearn=no, and the same is true for my spam store.  So, none of my tokens 
were autolearned, and all (should have) resulted only from my manual training.

> I found this number of tokens low, and have increased it.
> bayes_expiry_max_db_size        262144

Are you recommending increasing TO this number, or FROM this number?  It looks 
like my spam tokens are approaching this number, so I am assuming you think I 
should go higher?  Any recommended number?


-- Amir

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