On 2/22/19 4:37 PM, David B Funk wrote:
> Is there a rule "score" syntax that allows you to use the score assigned 
> to an existing rule to calculate the value assigned to another rule?
> Specifically what I'm trying to do is to negate the "damage" a 
> particular rule does for messages that meet particular local criteria.
> For example: "HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28" is a rule that will assign a modest 
> number of points to a message that contains a small amount of HTML and 
> an image.
> What I want to do is to create a local rule:
> describe L_HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28_FIX       Fix damage from 
> HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28 for local O-365 users
> score L_HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28_FIX ( -1.0 * HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28 )
> Where if HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28 fires and another rule which detects that 
> the message was generated by a local Office-365 user, negate the score 
> from the HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28 rule.
> My problem is that our campus has switched the bulk of our user 
> population to Office-365 and many outlook users like to "decorate" their 
> messages with images (wall-paper, deparmental logos, etc).
> When one of these people sends a short message (1~5 lines of text) in 
> their outlook, it's not unusual for several of SA's rules to fire (EG 
> the messages into spam score range.
> I'd like to automate the un-doing of this damage w/o having to 
> continually chase after changes in the scoring.
> Thus the desire for syntax to calculate the score value. It doesn't have 
> to be evaluated dynamically, just calculate the score at reload time.
> Thanks.

I use the X-OriginatorOrg header in a meta rule with other headers to 
subtract a few points (trust) certain Office 365 senders.  Otherwise, I 
treat Office 365 like other "FREEMAIL" sources that are mostly untrusted 
(add a point or two).  You don't have to do the later but the former 
might be helpful.

David Jones

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