On 4/14/19 2:03 AM, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
We have had some discussions of this in the past. But now I became worried that all SA users do not have access to their border smtp and are NOT configuring postfix with this: https://pastebin.com/LGkdi7NM

I can tell you for a fact that some SpamAssassin users /do/ have access to their border SMTP servers and /leverage/ that position as much as possible.

I know that not everybody is running Postfix. I also question the settings in the linked file.

Why would you allow 7 days for a newline, greeting, non-smtp command, or pipelining?

That seems like a LOT of RBLs to me.

Now, I am part of RuleQA. Should I accept everything and pass it so SpamAssassin and to my corpus or not? Reindl Harald may have his say as a corporate maintainer or something but the SpamAssassin user base is more.

What?  (I need more caffeine.)

How can I best support SpamAssassin besides having a mass check automation and mirrors for the sa-update?

I'd say use SpamAssassin to the fullest extent you can, test it, report bugs, and actively participate in the community. I'm sure you can give monetary support somewhere too. Somebody usually wants pizza and / or beer.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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