Hi all,

In reviewing today's FNs I came across the following spample:

There is a div here with display:none, as well as font-size:0px.  The spample 
hits HTML_FONT_LOW_CONTRAST but does not appear to hit any rule relating to a 
hidden div or tiny font.

Does LOW_CONTRAST include font-size too small, or just color too light?  Is 
there a rule for matching display:none?

If not, may I propose that the following rules be sandboxed?

rawbody AC_HIDDEN_ELEMENT       /display\s*:\s*none\s*;/

rawbody AC_HIDDEN_FONT  /font-size\s*:\s*0\s*(?:em|pt|px|%)\s*;/

The font one above could be modified for [0-3] or similar, if we want to catch 
tiny versus literally hidden fonts.


--- Amir

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