On Jun 17, 2019, at 1:30 PM, Amir Caspi <ceph...@3phase.com> wrote:
> Wouldn't that only be true for dynamic content that can actually evaluate the 
> screensize, and hence would require javascript?  Or is there a way of doing 
> this with static email content?  (I'm very well versed in HTML for web 
> browsers, but not as much for MUAs...)

Pretty sure in css you can display based on screen size (well, not screen per 
se, but display size) without resorting to javascript, but I am not positive.

@media (max-width: 900px) {
   … stuff

Would only be active if the width of the window is 900px or less. That can 
include setting a display property to hidden or not.

"Kill yourself and roll a rogue. We'll wait"

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