On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 03:59:41PM +0000, David Jones wrote:
> My understanding of the proposed X-Relay-Countries-MUA would be 
> identical to the current X-Relay-Countries except when there is an 
> authenticated MSA, then it would show the country code.

I've never even thought of this, since it doesn't make sense in my mind. 
Either there's MUA (Auth) or there isn't.

> If you have 
> written the code (I haven't looked yet) for X-Relay-Countries-MUA to be 
> blank when the MUA is blank then I agree with you and I will have to 
> manage multiple sets of the same rules/scores checking each header.

Such is life.  There are many many more scenarios where one has to maintain
many rules and scores.  Things can be automated, documented, copypasted,
etc.  Normal stuff for operators.  :-)

> This logic could be designed to provide individual headers and other 
> headers for layers of boundaries.  The layer approach could be very 
> useful for scoring differences using multipliers for higher, less 
> trusted sources.

This is the latest documentation.  If anyone wants to chime in, there's
still little time, I don't want to debate after 3.4.3-rc4.

 X-Relay-Countries           _RELAYCOUNTRY_
   All untrusted relays. Contains all relays starting from the
   trusted_networks border. This method has been used by default since
   early SA versions.

 X-Relay-Countries-External  _RELAYCOUNTRYEXT_
   All external relays. Contains all relays starting from the
   internal_networks border. Could be useful in some cases when
   trusted/msa_networks extend beyond the internal border and those
   need to be checked too.

 X-Relay-Countries-All       _RELAYCOUNTRYALL_
   All possible relays (internal + external).

 X-Relay-Countries-Auth      _RELAYCOUNTRYAUTH_
   Auth will contain all relays starting from the first relay that used
   authentication. For example, this could be used to check for hacked
   local users coming in from unexpected countries.

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