On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 02:42:28AM +0000, David Jones wrote:
> Maybe allow the RelayCountry check to happen on the msa network or the 
> first relay?
> Or something like trusted_countries that could provide a limit/boundary 
> to the trust of trusted_networks?
> Compromised accounts often get abused from foreign/unusual countries.  I 
> have meta rules and DWL/DBL for emails combined with RelayCountry but 
> these are useless in this situation.

Perhaps adding new datadata X-Relay-Countries-External would be enough, it
would check all external IPs (vs untrusted for the default
X-Relay-Countries).  I think it could use useful in this and other
situations when there are lots of additional trusted networks.

Maybe also the X-Relay-Countries-MSA to check client IPs from msa_networks.

Might even make it to 3.4.3 if KAM wants to delay rc4 just a little bit more.

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