On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:01:21 +0100

> On 11.11.20 15:41, RW wrote:
> >Note that without a DKIM pass, SPF is easily spoofed in TxRep.  
> is it? how does that work then?

It's implicit in the next bit.

> >DKIM reputations are identified by a combination of header from
> >address and signing domain. SPF pass reputations are just identified
> >by header address, without incorporating the envelope domain or
> >requiring alignment.  

These two cases share the same "authenticated" primary reputation:

  Return-path: c...@example.com
  From: c...@example.com
  Return-path: some...@somewhereelse.com
  From: c...@example.com

The benefit of this could be substantial, particularly with
txrep_learn_bonus set. All you have to do is make sure the envelope
sender passes SPF.

To be honest I haven't verified this, but the code looks
straightforward. $signedby gets set to the tag DKIMDOMAIN or falls
back to the fixed string 'spf' for an  SPF pass.

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