On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 02:12:01PM -0600, Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 5/26/22 8:32 AM, Ian Evans wrote:
> > Is it safe to assume that a $5/mth 1gig memory account will laugh at the
> > resources needed to run a SpamAssassin/Postfix/Roundcube/Dovecot/Nginx
> > stack and not ever break a sweat?
> Sadly, I found that I needed to quit tilting at the 1GB memory windmill and
> upgraded my tiny VPSs to 2GB for SpamAssassin + ClamAV + some other milters.
> You /might/ be able to get SpamAssassin in 1GB, but I don't know what else
> will be on the system.

You can quite confortably fit SA and a full SMTP + IMAP stack in less
than 1 GB. My (admittedly low volume) mail server is currently sitting
at 340 MB of used memory and is running:
- Postfix
- Dovecot
- Spamassassin
- spamass-milter
- opendkim milter
- Various python mail sorting / organizing scripts
- openssh server
- BIND9 (master DNS server)
- Radicale (DAV server)
- Weave (Firefox sync server)
- Nginx (reverse proxy)

I haven't found the need for any sort of AV scanner. Some SA rules that
reject messages with executable attachments have been more than adequate
for me.


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