Grant Taylor wrote:
On 5/26/22 8:32 AM, Ian Evans wrote:
Is it safe to assume that a $5/mth 1gig memory account will laugh at the resources needed to run a SpamAssassin/Postfix/Roundcube/Dovecot/Nginx stack and not ever break a sweat?

Sadly, I found that I needed to quit tilting at the 1GB memory windmill and upgraded my tiny VPSs to 2GB for SpamAssassin + ClamAV + some other milters.

You /might/ be able to get SpamAssassin in 1GB, but I don't know what else will be on the system.

Clam is the memory hog. With a bit of tweaking you could run everything else for a low-volume mail server in 256M - probably including webmail.

Here's a snapshot of my personal system colocated at work Notice that clamd is third in line to gobble up RAM after a couple of VMs... and that's strictly with stock signatures. SpamAssassin is also mostly stock, although I think I bumped the spamd child limit up from default.

11480 libvirt+ 20 0 15.7g 2.9g 24156 S 1.0 9.2 6432:10 qemu-system-x86 1262 libvirt+ 20 0 6509464 1.7g 21324 S 1.0 5.3 1042:56 qemu-system-x86 26531 clamav 20 0 1652780 1.2g 10840 S 0.0 4.0 37:14.45 clamd 1389 www-data 20 0 504660 301888 30464 S 0.0 0.9 10:19.54 apache2
[snip ~10 Apache processes]
26020 root 20 0 145152 124852 7812 S 0.0 0.4 1:46.78 spamd child 7908 defang 20 0 127212 115944 14756 S 0.0 0.4 1:37.65 30084 root 20 0 132296 111632 7388 S 0.0 0.3 0:11.91 spamd child 26233 defang 20 0 119112 108324 13488 S 0.0 0.3 0:01.76 29297 bind 20 0 707620 104780 11088 S 0.0 0.3 30:05.75 named 26021 root 20 0 123924 102984 7388 S 0.0 0.3 0:01.46 spamd child 30101 root 20 0 120960 98164 6008 S 0.0 0.3 0:04.21 spamd child 27041 root 20 0 116648 89448 6364 S 0.0 0.3 13:19.88 spamd 27055 root 20 0 116648 85360 1972 S 0.0 0.3 0:00.05 spamd child 7744 postgres 20 0 211576 66764 64776 S 0.0 0.2 0:08.76 postgres


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