Philip Prindeville wrote:
> I.e. any provider or country that doesn't have an institutional policy
> of prosecuting spam senders...
Erm, so you're going to block all of the US, correct?
> BTW:  A finer point is that I block Comcast USER IP addresses.  If
> Comcast has mail servers that have a separate address block (and most
> ISP's do) and users send their outgoing email through their provider's
> relay, then I will happily accept those messages.  I will not accept
> email
> coming from the subscriber IP address blocks, however.

No Phillip, You currently block comcast SERVER addresses. I use
comcast's relays. I do NOT direct deliver. My message sent directly to
you bounced.

Earlier I suggested you should do this, and you essentially blew me off.
Now you're trying to claim this is the configuration you use, when
evidence suggests otherwise.

>> IMHO, blocking entire ISP domains makes you part of the problem and
>> not part of the solution...

>> Then again.. you might be the only user on your system; in which case
>> ... who cares!
> Exactly.  You've come around to my point of view.

I agree. I only care to the extent that I refuse to offer free tech help
to those that block my ISP. *shrug*

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