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Logan Shaw wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Aug 2006, enediel gonzalez wrote:
>>> From: decoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kenneth Porter wrote:
>>> I completely agree, the problem is, some implementations makes
>>> this impossible. For example MailScanner.
>>> I've heard that it truncates the mail at 30kb, no matter if
>>> that is within a MIME block or not... So my plugin gets a
>>> broken image.. though it was not broken originally...
> Yes, if you leave the default "Max SpamAssassin Size = 30000"
> setting in place, it will do this.
>> Could somebody explain to me the reason why MailScanner acts this
>> way?
> Performance.  The theory, I think, is that if a message is spam,
> there should be some evidence of that in the first 30000 bytes, so
> there is no need to pass the whole message to SpamAssassin.
> I think this was a good assumption and a good plan when
> SpamAssassin didn't check a lot of attachments.  Now that there are
> plugins which do check attachments, leaving the MIME structure of
> the message intact is more important, but MailScanner hasn't caught
> up with this reality.
I heard that a proposal on letting the MIME structure intact has been
made... so at least if the message was truncated, it wouldn't be
truncated in the middle of an attachment (which would make absolutely
no sense, either you truncate before or after the attachment, a broken
attachment doesnt help anyone and will only cause unnecessary errors)

> Of course, you can always just remove the limitation by changing
> the MailScanner configuration file.
>> A good question could be decide if you adapt this plugin to be
>> compatible with MailScanner or tha last one should change this
>> practice.
> MailScanner calls SpamAssassin, so no adaptation needed in most
> cases.  Unless you are talking about workarounds for issues like
> the above.
> - Logan

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