On Friday 25 August 2006 12:10, Rick Cooper wrote:
> That is patently false. I have a graphics design/advertising department at
> one of my locations and these fellas send huge graphics files back and
> forth when they have emergency proofs/changes and MailScanner has *never*
> damaged anything, ever, anywhere. Now, there is a setting for scanning
> (much like exiscan IIRCC) that allows you to truncate the message and only
> scan xxx amount, it's optional and doesn't modify the actual message in
> anyway.

Yes, Rick, that is correct, but the situation under discussion is that 
mailscanner passes a partial file to the spamassassin proceess, which in turn
passes that partial file to the image analysis plugins, which decide that the
image is broken.

Upon being passed by spamassassin, the entire, unchanged mail is sent
on its way intact by mailscanner.  
Amavis-New does something similar.  Shreds mail into 
pieces, launches scanners on the pieces.

The problem is that the spam scanner (and presumably virus scanner) plugins 
are being handed partial files.  Not a good practice in my view.

John Andersen

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