> Well, in the real world, many of us who would have to scan 
> over 150,000 inbound emails a day, of which about 85% are 
> pure 100% spam simply don't have that luxury... 
> We've had best results with zen.spamhaus.org , other dnsbls 
> seem unreliable/not worth the effort....
> regards,
> jp

Admittedly, I process more on the order of 10,000 messages a day.  But your
second point here is the very reason I won't use them: unreliable.  When I
initially rolled out SA, I was using both spamcop and spamhaus along with a
couple of others.  I quickly eliminated down to those two.  Then to one.
Then removed them entirely after about 2 months of use.  

I have a number of travelling personnel from my company.  I don't want the
call at 11pm on a Wednesday night or 6 am on a Sunday morning from a hotel
and the network they are on is on one of those lists and they can't use
their email.  I also have seen my ISP have a range of their network falsely
flagged (and it encompassed our network range) for a period of 36-48 hours.
That put a major dent in communication with our customers.

I am not certain how anyone can claim that they have no FPs running through
those services unless they have prior knowledge of every inbound email.
That is impossible.  My company deals with on the order of thousands of
companies and multiple times that in email addresses.  There is no way to
know how many of those systems were falsely (or correctly) placed on a
blacklist at any point in time.

- Skip

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