Matt Kettler writes:
> Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> > Justin Mason wrote:
> >> OK, we really need to figure out some way to kill these FAQs off. Every
> >> week, someone asks a question about why SpamAssassin is killing their
> >> server, and most of the time the answer is "stop using and
> >>".  If 1 person is asking the question, chances are
> >> there's another 10 people who aren't asking, and who are just ditching
> >> SpamAssassin entirely. :(
> >
> >> I think I'll add a new question right on the top of the FAQ list
> >> about this...
> >>
> >> What else can we do?
> >
> > Has anyone asked Bill to stop distributing the blacklist in a format
> > suitable for direct use with SpamAssassin?  That, to me, seems to be
> > the most effective and sensible way to deal with it.
> I'd agree there.
> >   Modifying the software, as has been discussed, seems a little
> > extreme to me.
> I dono, I think that having some --lint warnings generated when the
> overall config is really absurdly large seems useful for this kind of
> problem in general. A basic "um, dude, that's a lot of config, are you
> sure your server can handle this" might be a good thing. You never know
> when someone else might make a sa-blacklist, or some tool that
> auto-generates rules might get popular and get out-of-control
> sometimes.. etc..

Matt, any chance you could open a bz feature request for this?


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