May I point out, that while you may find the language crude -- it isn't
language that would violate FTC standards in that in used any of the 7 or so 'unmentionable words'...

People -- these standards of 'crude language' really need to be strongly
held 'in check' -- the US is 'supposed' to be the society of 'free speech'
unless it is obscene or threatening.

I don't think his posting was either (BTW, I've never even 'heard' or seen
his name before this post.  All I saw was his 'uk' addr -- and I've known
a few 'uk' types, and many of them sound very crude to an American ear
these days.

So in addition to applying strictures in a conservative manner, we must,
hopefully, try to be sensitive to different cultural backgrounds.

If I was talking with a black teen from downtown SF/Oakland, I'd have to
translate from Eubonics -- which can sound rather crude and might contain
and F-word every other sentence.  I just apply my linguistic filter and
attempt to get the meaning.  I hardly thing this list is aimed at an young
audience -- and kid 13+ is going to have heard quite an ear-full of 'colorful 
explicatives' from ST4:Voyage home (a family movie), to everyday peer talk.

Yes -- it sounded crude...more than I, normally hear in America -- but not more than I'd hear in London.
Just my 2-cents on cultural sensitivity, and the ability to be amused at 
cultural differences (rather than choosing to be offended by them).

p.s. - Most Commercial vendor products are Bantha Poodoo -- especially for
Virus/Security and Spam protection, but NOT all.  Usually the highest 
advertised profile are the worst -- they put more budget into advertising than 

Yeah, I still thing SA is a bit slow, but I put much of that up to it being
written in an interpretive language and it's wide flexibility and extensibility 
with plug-ins.  Whatcha gonna do?  Maybe we should rewrite it in Forth?

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