Michael Scheidell wrote:
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:

Dream on.  Obviously your a pro-Windows person and anti-Linux
person and you cannot tolerate your image of Windows being torn down.

I seriously doubt Giampaolo is 'pro-windows', and your argument started with me, thinking that somehow I was pro windows.

I run a 100% Freebsd shop for servers, I am the official ports maintainer for the freebsd SA port, surly you can't say I am pro-windows.

And I wrote a book about FreeBSD:


so can we stop comparing dick sizes and get back to the discussion?

/* disclaimer.. I use razor, which is NOT cloudmark, and the razor plugin for SA does NOT 'blacklist' ip addresses my desktop does run mac osx.. with clamav, because there ARE worms for mac osx

put your head in the sand, obviously you aren't getting enough money to pay you to fix your clients computers.

As I already stated...

if you want to blame MS, then don't deal with any clients who use MS. if you want to help your clients, then set up a good update/fix/ scan/ patch, audit policy.

not our fault, its your client.

You know, back in 2000 when I published that book I used to think the
way you did - that if I could but just get those dumb Windows customers
to realize that it's their choice of operating system that is providing
the buco bucks to support Microsoft's lazy ass, and perpetuating the
problem with viruses, that they would all have a flash of insight and
immediately stop funding the Evil Empire, and MS would disappear in a
cloud of smoke, and life would be wonderful in the computer industry again.

Then, I grew up. Seriously.

I understand your POV - that when people choose to buy Windows, they
choose a bug-ridden, filthy piece of sheit OS, and it's their choice
of that which creates the environment to allow these evil scammers and
spammers to proliferate and torture the rest of us.  Thus, it's
their fault, and screw them and the OS they rode in on.

However, your never going to get those people to stop using Windows
and start using something better like FreeBSD, until you and your
aliases lose that attitude.

These buyers of Windows don't know a security hole from a bung-hole.
All they care about is being able to surf the web/watch hulu/run
their business/send an e-mail/etc.  Most of them don't even have a
choice anyway - when they go into the store, and see the Dell
sitting there with Win 7 preloaded costing $399 on sale, and
right next to it the same system Dell sitting there with Linux
preloaded costing $499, and never on sale, it doesn't take a
rocket scientist to realize that the $499 system is nothing more
than a token that Dell throws out to make the claim that they
do actually offer Linux preloads.  And the reason the retailer is
willing to take a hit on his markup on the $399 Dell and not on
the $499 Dell is because he sells 1000 of those a month, and 20 of the Linux Dells a month. So, the customer buys the cheaper machine
and cha-ching, another $30 goes off into the wormhole to the Microsoft

Microsoft has organized the computer industry so that they have a
guaranteed revenue stream.  They are as much a marketing company
as a software company - they are, in fact, exactly like CocaCola
in this regard.  They have it fixed so that even the people who
are planning on wiping their shit off the hard drive of the new
computer before even booting it up, pay them something.  That is
the reality of it - and expecting the average user to buck this
trend is frankly asking way, way too much.

If your shopping for a new car, and I told you to buck the trend
and spend $10K more money for an all-electric car that has 3
wheels and a top speed of 35mph and isn't licensed to go on the
highway, just because the automakers who produce gas-burners are
evil, would you do it?  Of course you wouldn't.  Yet your attitude
towards the average user is EXACTLY the same.  You blame them for
propping up MS, I blame you for destroying the planet when you
drive a gas burner to your Save The Whales conventions.

If you ever want FreeBSD, or Linux or any non-Windows system to
grow, the ONLY way is to understand that the average Windows-running
user is a victim from the moment he walks into the computer store
and plunks down his cash for a machine.  He's just looking for
solutions.  Give them to him, and he will do whatever you tell him
to.  The Linux people found that out which is why Ubuntu is kicking
ass in the distribution game, even though it's not as good as Debian.
And, we here found that out which is why SA is the most popular content
filter out there.


PS, if your really the SA porter, thanks for your effort!

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