On 12/13/2009 09:34 PM, Robert Fleming wrote:
     Add the following rules to your SpamAssassin configuration

     header __RCVD_IN_EMAILREG     eval:check_rbl('emailreg-trusted',

     header RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_0     eval:check_rbl_sub('emailreg-trusted',
     describe RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_0   Sender listed at http://www.emailreg.org/
     tflags RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_0     nice net

     header RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_1     eval:check_rbl_sub('emailreg-trusted',
     describe RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_1   Sender listed at http://www.emailreg.org/
     tflags RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_1     nice net

     score RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_0     -100
     score RCVD_IN_EMAILREG_1     -100

Not sure if the combination of rbl and rbl_sub does exactly what their
preferred query method is, but nice of them to give sample code.


I'm pretty sure this only queries only by IP address. IP address and domain name combined can be significantly more fine grained on some mail providers, so we might be better off waiting until spamassassin is capable of querying in their preferred manner before adding it to masschecks.

Furthermore, I suspect we want firsttrusted instead of trusted?


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