On 2010-03-30 00:12, John Hardin wrote:

While greylisting will help, it won't spank the offender in that manner.
It will postpone the message very early in the SMTP exchange, not after
the body has been received.

Unless the greylisting is done *after* receiving the body. Of course, this will spank innocent senders as well.

(My selective greylisting implementation for MIMEDefang does this, originally because some stupid MTAs didn't handle tempfails correctly at earlier stages... The "selective" stuff keeping delays and spanking of innocents down.)

BTW: While I like greylisting because it stops a lot of spam, I've never seen any data substantiating claims that it has a measurable negative impact on botnets. So I'm not convinced it really does a lot of spanking of offenders...

Jonas Eckerman
Fruktträdet & Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda

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