
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 01:53:55PM +0200, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 12:20 +0100, Matthew Newton wrote:
> > We had a legitimate e-mail hit the JM_SOUGHT_3 yesterday. It also
> > hit a few other rules that pushed it over our reject threshold of
> > 10, and easily over the 'junk mail folder' level of 5.
> > 
> > I managed to get them to send me the message, and it hits rule
> > __SEEK_5ID3LI "Conti  nuum Intern ational Publishing" (spaces
> > added!) which is the name of their company.
> Makes one wonder how that string ends up quite massively in spam traps.

I did consider that. Without seeing the spam, of course, I can't
say whether they are spamming or whether their name is being
abused. All I have is a legitimate mail from them and a report
that it is blocked.

> > I know SOUGHT is an auto-generated ruleset; just wondering if
> > there is there any way to remove false positives before the set is
> Yes. The Seek bits are cross-checked against a ham corpus, so the
> easiest way is to inject an artificial ham message with the string in
> question to get it off of the next run.

OK, understood.

> > generated? Otherwise I'll add local rules to compensate against
> > this one.
> meta __SEEK_5ID3LI  (0)
> The Seek ID is constant, and will be the same even with later Sought
> runs, for a given string.

Thought that might be the case from the codes - thanks for the



Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>

Systems Architect (UNIX and Networks), Network Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

For IT help contact helpdesk extn. 2253, <ith...@le.ac.uk>

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