
I've been using SA for a long time, and for a verity of reasons, we run 
different servers to support some minor changes in different rules.  While 
trying to setup a multi instance version on my laptop, I copied these rules 
over into different directories, setup the startup/shutdown script and ran my 
tests and everything worked fine until I found that I didn't create the user 
"filter" that I run everything as (for SA).  So, I created filter1, filter2, 
etc., for each instance that I want to run.  I noticed that the log still 
complained that filter didn't exist.  Looking into it, it appears that filter 
is the value being passed in via the spamc call.  Now, because SA always works, 
I generally don't touch some of these little things, so I tend to forget things 
like that calling user spamc must exist on the remote spamd server, etc, as I 
never really need to change anything.


Instead of running multiple SA servers, it is possible to run a single 
consolidated SA server where only the userpref's are different for each spamc 
caller (given that the local config will override the global config) AND still 
use a single bayes DB?  We use a clustered MySql instance for bayes, and I 
don't want to have to worry about a bayes DB per user.

This big difference between the instances are mostly the required_score 
threshold, few score overrides and a few custom rules.

Any recommendations on how to handle this?  I would be really nice to use a 
single config for all SA instances, whereas the only difference being the user 


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