Am 25.10.2011 09:51, schrieb SuperDuper:
> I am planning on exporting a list of our client's email addresses into a file
> with 5000 separate lines as such:
> whitelist_from
> I'm running an Apple XServe with Intel Xeon Quadcores and 6Gb RAM -
> processor fairly underutilised at the moment.  Is 5000 whitelist entries
> expected to have a dramatic performance influence?
> Also, further to this, will replacing the whitelist_from with whitelist_auth
> make a dramatic difference?
> Approximately what percentage of servers out there arel configured correctly
> so that whitelist_auth works correctly?
you should choose another way for whitelisting,
i.e bypass spamassassin for trusted server ips etc
anyway why not using i.e. whitelist_from * ?

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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