On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 21:12:42 +0200
Bruno Costacurta wrote:

> Quoting RW <rwmailli...@googlemail.com>:

> > Your actual problem is that the rule isn't showing in the spamd
> > debug. If postfix.org isn't in the "From" header then SA needs to
> > find it in an appropriate envelope header. See the documentation for
> > whitelist_from in the SA configuration man-page.
> Thanks for explanation.
> Now it is resolved.
> First, my previous sample about postfix.org.
> In fact the 'from' did not contain @postfix.org.
> ..
> In fact the header 'Sender' and 'Return-path' contains @postfix.org,  
> but the 'From' on which I based my whitelist_from understanding,  
> contains the sender email, not @postfix.org

It explains what's going on, but it's not really resolved since it
implies that SA wasn't able to parse-out the envelope sender from the
headers. It's best to fix that since it's used for other things besides

I'm guessing that postfix added Return-Path after SA processed the
email. There needs to be a header with the envelope address in;
Return-Path, X-Envelope-From, Envelope-Sender and X-Sender are
supported by default, but you can tell SA the name of the header by
setting envelope_sender_header in SA's config.

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