On Tue, 11 Oct 2016, Olivier Coutu wrote:

I was wondering if mimeheader is designed to work with tflags multiple maxhits or did I overlook something?

I don't think it is. The tflags multiple handling is in the RE processing code per-rule-type (e.g. "meta" doesn't implement it), and I think the mimeheader plugin implements its own special RE code that didn't get the tflags multiple changes...

...yeah, it looks like the loop exits as soon as it finds a hit:

lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/MIMEHeader.pm at line 199.

File a bug to implement "tflags multiple" in MIMEHeader.pm

If it is not designed to work with it, would there be any workarounds to detect multiple attachments?


  rawbody   __MIME_ATTACH_MULT   /^Content-Disposition: /
  tflags    __MIME_ATTACH_MULT   multiple maxhits=3

but that has obvious drawbacks.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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