On January 3, 2017 6:11:35 AM EST, Rob Gunther <red...@gmail.com> wrote:
>The other day I was thinking it would be cool if you could detect
>legitimate replies to mail I send.
>Everyone gets spam with subjects like this:
>Re: some type of trash subject
>Obviously those are not replies to a message you sent.
>That got me thinking of ways to authenticate a legitimate reply to a
>message I sent.
>I came up with a concept called 'Authenticated Reply Detection'.
>It uses the Message-ID header to encode some information when a message
>goes out - no database or saving of Message-ID is required.
>If/When a reply comes back the details from Message-ID come back in the
>'In-Reply-To' header.  If validated the message is guaranteed to be a
>to a message I sent, and spamassassin could adjust scoring accordingly.
>Has anyone ever seen anything like that before for SA?  Does it exist
>already or any type of plugin etc?

I have definitely seen solutions to do this.  Unsure if they were in mimedefang 
or SpamAssassin.   Your encoded header idea I don't remember.  Good idea so you 
don't need a redid etc.

I predict it would be a good indicator of hamminess.  The lack of the header or 
a wrong header might not be spam though.

And if someone's account is compromised and they reply to messages  I wouldn't 
white list based on this but that is true of any white list feature.

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