On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 9:54 AM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:

> - under Unix/Linux, there is a command "tail -f <filename>", which
> continuously watches for any lines added to a file and displays them.  It
> doesn't seem to be very intensive in terms of resources used.
> - and on the other hand, you probably have a session expiration timeout.
> So you could in theory say that you note the start of a session, and then
> update this each time there is a new access to that same session.  And then
> periodically, you go through your table and for each session which you
> haven't seen since some time >= the session timeout, you consider it
> expired.
> At which time of course I don't know if this is any simpler than the
> solution which you are exploring right now.
> ;-)
With all respect, I have to say that looks like a lot of I/O right there
and a huge hit in performance and I would assume this would hit memory in a
bad way as well, but please correct/enlighten me.

Also, I'm following this thread, because I have filter in place for similar
reason, keeping track of new sessions created, expiring, etc..., and filter
meets my need 100% and don't see why one would want to 'avoid' using a

Yes, I was looking at the performance of 'filter' and all that i'm doing in
'filter' on 'every request', but in retrospect, I don't see my filter
implementation being much of an hinderance in performance. I have to take
another look though and confirm what I'm saying here.

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