I've just started looking at the javax.websocket implementation in tomcat 8
> and I have a question about how one integrates an endpoint with application
> code.  Using servlets as an analogy, web.xml allows configuration
> information to be passed to servlets when they are initialized.  Is there
> an equivalent in the javax.websocket world?  If not, are there any
> suggested practices for achieving this?

and i have a follow up question about this, with a servlet or a filter you
can do: getServletContext() then you have access to the resources of the
web application and stuff like that
How is that possible in an websocket endpoint?

If i want to load in a file that is in the current webapps WEB-INF dir how
do i do that? How do i get an url or inputstream (getResource() call) to
that file?


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