> > and i have a follow up question about this, with a servlet or a filter
> you
> > can do: getServletContext() then you have access to the resources of the
> > web application and stuff like that
> > How is that possible in an websocket endpoint?
> The ServerEndpointConfig will have the modifyHandshake() method called
> where you have access to elements of the request and response. You need
> to copy any data you need at this point.

i was not talking about (http)request or response objects.
But purely the ServletContext to access stuff of the web app itself.

> > If i want to load in a file that is in the current webapps WEB-INF dir
> how
> > do i do that? How do i get an url or inputstream (getResource() call) to
> > that file?
> Calls via the class loader will continue to work.
It's not a resource in the WEB-INF/classes or a resource in a jar file
I am talking about a normal resource anywhere in a war file itself (thats
not in jars/classes)
So for example i just want to get the content of the index.html in the root
of the myapp.war
Or i want a special properties file that i have in the

in a filter or servlet:


what is the line of code in a web socket endpoint to do the same?
It seems that it is impossible to get the context of the webapp the socket
is in..


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