Another option would be to read them from the db once, at system startup, and then keep them static from there. You're still hitting your db, but not on an ongoing basis.

On 1/13/2014 9:02 AM, Ray Holme wrote:
Oh, I missed one comment from Daniel before (embedded and I did not see on the 
first pass, sorry).

No, you don't know the application so I would like to explain that some information kept 
in the "shared application" beans is very static, needs to be loaded from the 
DB and is used everywhere by every user. The number of hits to the DB would quadruple (at 
minimum) without these small tables being in memory. I waste maybe 5k of memory to reduce 
DB use in an active system and speed up user response time. This would be silly for a 
system that it NOT active.

On Monday, January 13, 2014 8:38 AM, Ray Holme <> wrote:

OK, that makes perfect sense. We are NOT talking about SESSION objects (where I am 
defining session as login to logout of a USER as I mentioned before, perhaps you are 
defining this as "while tomcat is up" - I can see either def.). These type 
beans are all fine, but I would actually never want them serialized if Tomcat restarts as 
I would want the user to log back in for a lot of reasons (but no damage would be caused 
if they were serialized).

I am talking about java beans that are part of the "application" and shared 
information available to all users. These MUST be initialized at startup (they are) and 
OLD serial copies are defunct (dangerous as they cause crazy connections to happen) when 
tomcat is restarted.

Soooo - here is the question:

I would like to allow serialization, but tell Tomcat that certain beans should 
NOT be resurrected without me getting warnings in the log file when I don't 
mark them as serialisable.


Right now, I have stopped warnings but caused other problems.

On Monday, January 13, 2014 8:08 AM, Daniel Mikusa <> 

On Jan 12, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Ray Holme <> wrote:

I haven't been following this thread, but I wanted to clarify a couple comments 
here just to make sure someone reading this in the future doesn't get the wrong 

serialization causes some problems in apache-tomcat-7.0.35

No.  What causes problems is when application objects are placed in the session 
and they are not serializable.  This happens because, by default, Tomcat will 
try to save your session data when it restarts.  It does this by serializing 
the data to disk.  Then when it restarts, it deserializes the data and restores 
the sessions.

The only other reason why your sessions would need to be serializable is if 
you're using clustering (i.e. you add the distributable tag to web.xml).

I have several applications and run on fedora linux. I have used many releases 
of fedora and tomcat.

My applications are characterized by
     a) all use a DB (firebird)
     b) all use both jsp and java servlets
     c) all use transient java beans for a "round" of interaction (user request 
- user response)
     d) all have 1 or more session java beans for each user (login - logout)
     e) all have 1 or more application beans (initialized at startup, can 
refresh, passed around)
     f) all have an application specific jar and share a common code jar

Long ago I added serialization to almost all of the java beans to stop tomcat 
whining in the catalina.out file. This worked just fine until the most recent 
tomcat release.

On my development machine, java changes build new jars and apache/tomcat must 
be restarted to work right. Starting with the new release, problems with 
connections happened.

After research, I discovered that the applications were going nuts with 
connection requests and xinetd was shutting down the connection factory 
service. It took a 30 minute wait (or reboot) to fix this problem. My guess is 
that the application wide beans were not only being made fresh as always 
happens (they use one connection each to initialize), but that the serialized 
versions were coming back up and trying to refresh causing lots of strange 
connections to be created (if one is not passed, one is made and there are many 
routines each needing a connection).

I'm not going to pretend to fully understand how your application works, but 
from what I took of this explanation it sounds like your application is 
stuffing a lot of unnecessary things into the session.  Limiting that or taking 
a closer look at how those objects are being serialized is probably something 
you should consider.

To solve this problem, I stopped serialization. This solved the problem.

This certainly works, however it's worth nothing that you'll lose any session 
data when you restart Tomcat.  For development that's fine, but in production 
you might not want to do that.  I guess it depends on your app and what's in 
the sessions though.

 From the notes I got from others (thanks Mark and ...):

serialization can be stopped by putting this in many places

The "many places" are context files.  There are several locations where you can 
configure your application's context.

- here is one:

     <Manager pathname="" />

Again, just watch out as this will prohibit Tomcat from saving session data on 
restart.  In other words, all session data is going to be lost on restart.

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