Martin Stolk wrote:


We are migrating our applications from tomcat to wildfly. We are using mod_=
jk (1.2.40) to connect apache to the wildfly ajp port.

When using tomcat there are no problems, but with wilfdly there is a strang=
e behavior in our application.

It is a bit of a puzzle then, why you are asking for help here.
Would ""; not be a better place to start ?

Our application is written in java (wicket) and when entering a search form=
 every field fills with a semi-colon after entering the find button. When i=
 set the JkLogLevel to trace or debug the problems remains but less frequen=
tly and not in every form.
I also tried different ForwardURI** JkOptions, but that make no difference.

I can't think of a reason off-hand why this should ever make any difference.
It would seem that the first thing to look at, is what this "Find" button in the form really does. Is it just a "submit" button, or does it call something (some javascript perhaps) ?
Does the <form> send a POST, or a GET request ?

Can anyone help me where to find a solution?

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