> > TC 7.0.54 / RHEL 6
> >
> > I have two physical servers, each running an instance of TC. The servers
> > are behind a hardware loadbalancer. IPTables is routing request on 80 to
> > 8080.
> This seems unnecessary.  If you have a hardware load balancer in front of
> Tomcat, it is the only thing that would ever talk to Tomcat.  Thus if you
> just configure it to go to port 8080 you don't need the iptables rule.  I
> can't imagine it's hurting anything, but just thought I'd mention it.

Not at all, it would seem like a better choice than an OS level redirect
like iptables.

> > Tomcat runs under a non-root user. All good.
> >
> > I needed to protect an area of our webapp under SSL. Went ahead and
> > installed the cert on each server. I can go directly to each server by IP
> > under SSL and get the cert (with the expected IP doesn't match FQDN
> > warning).
> >
> You probably want the SSL certificate installed on your hardware load
> balancer.  End client's browsers are going to connect to the hardware load
> balancer, not Tomcat.  Thus you'd want the certificate there so your end
> users can benefit from it.
> Ex:  browser -> HTTPS -> load balancer -> HTTP or HTTPS -> Tomcat
> If you put an SSL certificate on your Tomcat servers, that would allow you
> to secure the connection between your load balancer and Tomcat.  Depending
> on your network and security requirements this may or may not be necessary.
>  I'd say most people don't do this because terminating SSL on the load
> balancer is sufficient.  It just depends on your requirements though.

Ok, that makes sense. I think just on the loadbalancer will work. In our
configuration, unencrypted traffic between the LB and the servers is
subject to minimal risk, and our security requirements aren't critical.

> > But when I go through the loadbalancer I can't access anything under port
> > 8443. I redirected 443 to 8443 on each TC server using IPTables, but
> still
> > no luck.
> >
> > Is there anything I'm missing?
> The load balancer is almost certainly listening on port 80 and 443.  To
> test, you'd want to connect to the load balancer on one of those ports.
>  The load balancer would then connect to one of your backend nodes and
> proxy the request on your behalf.  Your browser will not connect directly
> to the backend nodes (see my point above about not needing the iptables
> rule), unless you specifically point it to the ip address of one of the
> backend nodes.

Sorry, I'm a bit unclear on this. What method of connecting would let me

> I think you'd want it on the load balancer.  Possibly with additional certs
> on your backend nodes, if you want HTTPS communication between the load
> balancer and the Tomcat nodes.
> Dan

Thanks so much for the detailed and quick reply.

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