John Smith wrote:

No, I am not really going that far.  I am suggesting that that may be
the kind of thing that is happening, and that you may want to investigate
with a browser plugin, that the requests/responses are really what you are
Your initial explanation was a bit confusing and lacking in precise
details, as to what the load balancer really does, where IPtables does
what, and how your tomcats are configured (re Connectors, and possibly
IPtables too).  So we're all kind of guessing here, and just trying to give
you some tips, to either simplify your setup, or to figure out better what
is happening.

Well, lets remove the IP tables. I know the certs work because as I said I
can access them directly by going to either server on 8443 directly. The
connectors are configured correctly. There's no security info in web.xml.
The entire site should be available over SSL.

Using Charles, with LB:8443 I get "connection refused" - without any other
particularly useful info in the response.

There is no response, since you are not even able to connect to that IP:port.
If you are using the IP of the LB, then the LB is not accepting connections on 
port 8443.
You won't get much further, unless you solve that first.
But I thought that you wanted your users to access via port 443 ?

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