André Warnier wrote:
Rene Scheffler wrote:

I installed apache-tomcat-7.0.47 on debian and also installed and
configured railo
I added the servlet for CFML and now i ended up with lots of WEB-INF
directories in my tomcat directory and the subdirectories.
A find gives me the following output :

The tomcat takes quite a while (350s) to start up and this is really
starting to annoy me. So, whats this and what are some common settings to
achieve a faster start up of the tomcat?

Here is a 3-part response, each part to be considered separately :

1) a "WEB-INF" sub-directory, is a normal sub-directory of any "web application".
So, *some* of the ones which you list above, are expected and normal.
(Like ./webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF for example)
But, for example, it is not expected to have a (tomcat_dirrectory)/bin/WEB-INF directory.

2) it looks very much as if the installation script used for whatever you added to Tomcat, did not do its job correctly, and added a "WEB-INF" directory "everywhere", even where it should not have done that.
Can you de-install that package, and see if it removes all these things ?
If not, then I would suggest to remove Tomcat completely (and all the subdirectories and links which the package installed just about everywhere), and start anew. A question : did you also use a Debian package (with apt-get e.g.) to install CFML ?)

3) the question of Tomcat taking a long time to start may be due to all the unexpected stuff above. So I would keep that question for later, when your installation is clean again.

Addendum :
Installing packages like Tomcat etc. via the Debian "apt-get" is nice and easy.
1) the version of Tomcat that you get that way, is generally not the most 
recent one
2) Debian packages have a tendency to install things all over the place, with lots of symlinks between these places (/etc/tomcat, /var/lib/tomcat, /usr/share/tomcat, etc..) 3) if you then use an installation script for some add-on, which is not really designed to understand this Debian layout, you probably get a mess like the one you mentioned.

In that case, it may be better to install the latest Tomcat from the official Tomcat website version, which installs everything in one directory (like /usr/local/tomcat or similar), and then install the add-ons "by hand" there also.
But then of course, you are on your own for startup scripts etc..

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