Vijay Kumar wrote:
Hi Mark,

Please find below my exact requirement.

I have Oracle Database where my objects are installed and I have also a
Linux instance where i installed Tomcat.
I am currently creating connection to the Oracle database from Tomcat using
'apps' user as this schema is having all permissions.

One of my client want to monitor the connections that are created from my
application. For this i want to pass my Linux user information (userid)
while creating the connection from my application or in context.xml file.

Please suggest the approaches? If SPENGO can you redirect me any doc/post
how to achieve this?

you are repeating yourself (and still top-posting), but you are not providing the crucial information which would enable someone to really help you.
For example, what "Linux user information (userid)" are you talking about ?

Is it the Linux user-id under which Tomcat is running ?
That would probably be "tomcat", so that is probably not going to help you fulfill your customer's wishes.

Is it the user-id of the /user/ of your Tomcat application ?
In that case, how does Tomcat know this user-id ? Do the users login into your application ? How ? What is the user authentication mechanism being used, now, at the Tomcat level ?

Does the Oracle database also know this user-id ? How ?

What does "One of my client want to monitor the connections" mean, exactly ? what does the customer want to know, and when ? Is this customer the only user/manager of the Oracle database, or are there multiple users/managers of the Oracle database ?

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