One more clarification: on point [6] below I stated that Java is able to 
recover with a retry on a cached connection. Unfortunately that is only valid 
for higher level classes like HttpUrlConnection which makes 1 retry on 
IOException (and only on a GET and some other conditions). The lower-level 
sockets just throw and that’s it...

-----Original Message-----
From: George Stanchev [] 
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 10:40 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: [OT] Tomcat 7.0.55/Jre 7u67: SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description 
= bad_record_mac

Just for the record, https.protocols is a property used by the 
HttpsUrlConnection class. If your app is using a client that doesn't rely on 
the internal Oracle HTTP client, it's better to use " jdk.tls.client.protocols" 
which is read directly by the socket/SSL classes. Apache Http Client is one 
client that does use sockets directly instead of HttpsUrlConnection.

Also, I want to mention that we have finally been able to isolate a really 
nasty problem with Java SSL implementation and Windows's SSPI based SChannel 
acting as a server. The issue we ran into is very similar as to what the OP 
reported, that’s why I asked him a while ago on a separate thread about 
keystores if the server is IIS-based. The issue that we ran into might sound 
esoteric but our product ran into it very often. We have a configuration where 
we lock our intracomponent communication via 2way SSL. We have Java 
Tomcat-based server components that talk to IIS based native components via web 
services over HTTP which we secure with 2way SSL. When we upgraded to JRE 8 we 
started getting those connection resets in Tomcat when we enabled the 2way SSL. 
Those were on the Java->IIS calls that work over regular SSL. On the java side, 
if you turn on the ssl debug on, you'd see connection reset IOException thrown, 
and on the Windows side, you'd see " The following fatal alert was generated: 
20. The internal error state is 960." In the System event log. This error is " 
TLS1_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC" from SSPI. A search in Oracle's bug database found a 
close resemblance to this issue: But the reporter couldn't 
reproduce it and also was against another Oracle component Java Web Download or 
something like this. So we started working with Oracle but the intermittent and 
hard-to-reproduce nature of this issue hampered the investigation. As the OP 
mentioned below, there are apocryphal reports for this all over the web but 
people cannot troubleshoot it very well. Anyway here are my findings. In order 
for the issue to arise all those conditions must be met:

[1] The client must start with ClientHello TLSv1.2 [2] The server must respond 
with ServerHello TLSv1 (so the server should not have TLS1.2 enabled) [3] The 
cipher key exchange must NOT be ECDHE. I have not tried DHE as I could not make 
Windows take it. According to this doc [1] it should have several DHE key 
exchange ciphers available but I could not make it work. RSA key exchange 
exhibits the issue. I have been using “TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA” to 
[4] The initial connection must not be 2way-SSL [5] The server must upgrade the 
connection after encrypted payload is read. In case of IIS, it has 2way SSL 
setting on a Virtual Directory. The initial handshake is not 2way SSL, once the 
HTTP request is read, it determines that the requested resource (/gsoap) is 
2way SSL-protected and upgrades the connection to 2way SSL.
[6] The server must kill the connection abruptly when error happens. This is 
important as if the server terminates the connection gracefully and keeps it 
around Java is able to recover since it reuses the cached connection. IIS does 
exactly this.
[7] The server must be Windows 7, Win2k8, Win2k8-R2, Win8. Might be other 
versions affected but bug is not evident on Win2k12 or Win2k12-R2 or Win10. 
Perhaps it was fixed, perhaps those versions support TLSv1.2

It might sound complicated but it is not, it is very common. All you have to do 
is to have a Virtual Directory in IIS that requires 2way SSL and is set to 
"want". RSA-based key exchanges are one of the most commonly used ciphers. The 
Windows platforms we tested with are still widely used in the enterprises while 
the adoption rate of win2k12+ is still lagging (from our experience with our 
customers). And you have equal "chance" of cipher support between Windows 
servers and Java 8 clients to land on RSA based cipher (which exhibits the 
issue) or ECDHE key exchange that is ok. Again, it might sound too complicated 
but it was blocker for us to ship our product.

For us, to work around this issue is for the 2way SSL to turn off TLSv1.2 (via 
"-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1" or RSA key exchange algorithm (via the java 
security properties) on affected systems which fixes it.

I have a lot more technical details that I am not sharing here. I have sent 
them to Oracle so hopefully that gets resolved, but my guess is that is really 
an SSPI/SChannel issue in which case someone needs to work with Microsoft and I 
don't know if my company can do that. It boils down to - when all these 
conditions are met, is Java creating a bad MAC or SChannel fails to verify that 
MAC correctly on SSL handshake step X.

Hopefully this can help someone else, as we have spent quite a bit of time on 
this issue.


TL;DR: There is a nasty bug in Java or Windows when calling SSPI-based app over 
2way SSL that you can work around by turning off TLSv1.2 or RSA key exchanges.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 11:15 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [OT] Tomcat 7.0.55/Jre 7u67: SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description 
= bad_record_mac

Hash: SHA256


On 8/31/15 11:36 AM, dmccrthy wrote:
> To cut a long story short openssl helped. Using openssl -connect 
> showed the error below. When I added the -tls1 flag the error went 
> away.
> 2104:error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or 
> bad record mac:.\ssl\s3_pkt.c:532:
> Configuring Tomcat with the JVM parameter below resolved the issue.
> -Dhttps.protocols="TLSv1"

Yep, you have to use a TLS handshake; the older SSL3 handshake won't wor k.

Now... you *can* enable SSLv2Hello and then only support TLSv1+, but let's face 
it: SSL is dead and clients should get with the program.

> This may limit our client Web application but I have very little 
> influence over the server-side application, so it'll have to do as a 
> solution for now.

Your client should not try to use SSL handshake unless you know it's required.

> So the issue seems to be a Java handshake error whereby it has a 
> problem downgrading from TLSv1.2 to TLSv1 during the handshake.

I don't know enough about TLS to know if there is an appreciable difference 
between the handshake protocol between the two. I know that
SSLv2 was the lowest common denominator for a while, and most servers would 
enable it *just for the handshake* but would refuse to actually negotiate an 
SSLv2 connection (SSLv2 was basically DOA). These days, nobody should be using 
SSL at all, but I might understand wanting to use SSL-compatible handshakes, so 
using "SSLv2Hello" but not supporting the SSLv3 protocol would be the way to do 

Again, we should just let SSL die. The more we push clients and servers to only 
negotiate TLS from here on out, the better off Internet security will be 

> Why it works in our non-prod environment with the same versions of 
> everything is a mystery, but I can speculate at some difference in 
> underlying O/S settings, or perhaps a Java bug.

Or more likely a configuration option you didn't detect when you checked 
everything out.

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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