Hi Chris,

How do you force Java 8 to use SSLv2Hello? So far I am unable to force it to go 
down to use SSLv2Hello. It would've been nice to be able to control the first 
handshake message version (TLSv1 or TLSv1.2 or SSLv2Hello), but I have not been 
able to do that...


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 7:42 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [OT] Tomcat 7.0.55/Jre 7u67: SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description 
= bad_record_mac

Hash: SHA256


On 10/9/15 12:46 PM, George Stanchev wrote:
> One more clarification: on point [6] below I stated that Java is able 
> to recover with a retry on a cached connection. Unfortunately that is 
> only valid for higher level classes like HttpUrlConnection which makes 
> 1 retry on IOException (and only on a GET and some other conditions). 
> The lower-level sockets just throw and that’s it...

Can you confirm whether using SSLv2Hello also solves the problem? Or do you 
have a requirement that nothing less than TLSv1 may even handshake properly?

- -chris

> -----Original Message----- From: George Stanchev 
> [mailto:gstanc...@serena.com] Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 10:40 AM 
> To: Tomcat Users List Subject: RE: [OT] Tomcat 7.0.55/Jre 7u67:
> SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description = bad_record_mac
> Just for the record, https.protocols is a property used by the 
> HttpsUrlConnection class. If your app is using a client that doesn't 
> rely on the internal Oracle HTTP client, it's better to use " 
> jdk.tls.client.protocols" which is read directly by the socket/SSL 
> classes. Apache Http Client is one client that does use sockets 
> directly instead of HttpsUrlConnection.
> Also, I want to mention that we have finally been able to isolate a 
> really nasty problem with Java SSL implementation and Windows's SSPI 
> based SChannel acting as a server. The issue we ran into is very 
> similar as to what the OP reported, that’s why I asked him a while ago 
> on a separate thread about keystores if the server is IIS-based. The 
> issue that we ran into might sound esoteric but our product ran into 
> it very often. We have a configuration where we lock our 
> intracomponent communication via 2way SSL. We have Java Tomcat-based 
> server components that talk to IIS based native components via web 
> services over HTTP which we secure with 2way SSL. When we upgraded to 
> JRE 8 we started getting those connection resets in Tomcat when we 
> enabled the 2way SSL. Those were on the
> Java->IIS calls that work over regular SSL. On the java side, if
> you turn on the ssl debug on, you'd see connection reset IOException 
> thrown, and on the Windows side, you'd see " The following fatal alert 
> was generated: 20. The internal error state is 960." In the System 
> event log. This error is "
> TLS1_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC" from SSPI. A search in Oracle's bug 
> database found a close resemblance to this issue:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8068812. But the reporter 
> couldn't reproduce it and also was against another Oracle component 
> Java Web Download or something like this. So we started working with 
> Oracle but the intermittent and hard-to-reproduce nature of this issue 
> hampered the investigation. As the OP mentioned below, there are 
> apocryphal reports for this all over the web but people cannot 
> troubleshoot it very well. Anyway here are my findings. In order for 
> the issue to arise all those conditions must be met:
> [1] The client must start with ClientHello TLSv1.2 [2] The server must 
> respond with ServerHello TLSv1 (so the server should not have
> TLS1.2 enabled) [3] The cipher key exchange must NOT be ECDHE. I have 
> not tried DHE as I could not make Windows take it. According to this 
> doc [1] it should have several DHE key exchange ciphers available but 
> I could not make it work. RSA key exchange exhibits the issue. I have 
> been using “TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA” to reproduce. [4] The 
> initial connection must not be 2way-SSL [5] The server must upgrade 
> the connection after encrypted payload is read.
> In case of IIS, it has 2way SSL setting on a Virtual Directory. The 
> initial handshake is not 2way SSL, once the HTTP request is read, it 
> determines that the requested resource (/gsoap) is 2way SSL-protected 
> and upgrades the connection to 2way SSL. [6] The server must kill the 
> connection abruptly when error happens. This is important as if the 
> server terminates the connection gracefully and keeps it around Java 
> is able to recover since it reuses the cached connection. IIS does 
> exactly this. [7] The server must be Windows 7, Win2k8, Win2k8-R2, 
> Win8. Might be other versions affected but bug is not evident on 
> Win2k12 or Win2k12-R2 or Win10.
> Perhaps it was fixed, perhaps those versions support TLSv1.2
> It might sound complicated but it is not, it is very common. All you 
> have to do is to have a Virtual Directory in IIS that requires 2way 
> SSL and is set to "want". RSA-based key exchanges are one of the most 
> commonly used ciphers. The Windows platforms we tested with are still 
> widely used in the enterprises while the adoption rate of win2k12+ is 
> still lagging (from our experience with our customers). And you have 
> equal "chance" of cipher support between Windows servers and Java 8 
> clients to land on RSA based cipher (which exhibits the issue) or 
> ECDHE key exchange that is ok. Again, it might sound too complicated 
> but it was blocker for us to ship our product.
> For us, to work around this issue is for the 2way SSL to turn off
> TLSv1.2 (via "-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1" or RSA key exchange 
> algorithm (via the java security properties) on affected systems which 
> fixes it.
> I have a lot more technical details that I am not sharing here. I have 
> sent them to Oracle so hopefully that gets resolved, but my guess is 
> that is really an SSPI/SChannel issue in which case someone needs to 
> work with Microsoft and I don't know if my company can do that. It 
> boils down to - when all these conditions are met, is Java creating a 
> bad MAC or SChannel fails to verify that MAC correctly on SSL 
> handshake step X.
> Hopefully this can help someone else, as we have spent quite a bit of 
> time on this issue.
> George
> TL;DR: There is a nasty bug in Java or Windows when calling SSPI-based 
> app over 2way SSL that you can work around by turning off TLSv1.2 or 
> RSA key exchanges.
> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz 
> [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015
> 11:15 AM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re: [OT] Tomcat 7.0.55/Jre
> 7u67: SEND TLSv1 ALERT: fatal, description = bad_record_mac
> Diarmuid,
> On 8/31/15 11:36 AM, dmccrthy wrote:
>> To cut a long story short openssl helped. Using openssl -connect  
>> showed the error below. When I added the -tls1 flag the error went 
>> away.
>> 2104:error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption
>> failed or bad record mac:.\ssl\s3_pkt.c:532:
>> Configuring Tomcat with the JVM parameter below resolved the issue.
>> -Dhttps.protocols="TLSv1"
> Yep, you have to use a TLS handshake; the older SSL3 handshake won't 
> wor k.
> Now... you *can* enable SSLv2Hello and then only support TLSv1+, but 
> let's face it: SSL is dead and clients should get with the program.
>> This may limit our client Web application but I have very little  
>> influence over the server-side application, so it'll have to do as a 
>> solution for now.
> Your client should not try to use SSL handshake unless you know it's 
> required.
>> So the issue seems to be a Java handshake error whereby it has a  
>> problem downgrading from TLSv1.2 to TLSv1 during the handshake.
> I don't know enough about TLS to know if there is an appreciable 
> difference between the handshake protocol between the two. I know that 
> SSLv2 was the lowest common denominator for a while, and most servers 
> would enable it *just for the handshake* but would refuse to actually 
> negotiate an SSLv2 connection (SSLv2 was basically DOA). These days, 
> nobody should be using SSL at all, but I might understand wanting to 
> use SSL-compatible handshakes, so using "SSLv2Hello" but not 
> supporting the SSLv3 protocol would be the way to do that.
> Again, we should just let SSL die. The more we push clients and 
> servers to only negotiate TLS from here on out, the better off 
> Internet security will be overall.
>> Why it works in our non-prod environment with the same versions of 
>> everything is a mystery, but I can speculate at some difference in 
>> underlying O/S settings, or perhaps a Java bug.
> Or more likely a configuration option you didn't detect when you 
> checked everything out.
> -chris
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