On 19.09.2017 20:19, John Ellis wrote:
Andre at this point Alan, my boss, only has had me setup Tomcat 9 on this
server; not jira or confluence. He thought it might be easier to get the SSL
port working just on Tomcat first and then work with Jira and Confluence on
this server.

Yes, and he is right. And at least this way, we have a reasonable picture of what files and configuration to expect, to start with. That is, provided we can figure out where the (RedHat ?) package-management of your platform puts the files which normally constitute tomcat.

I have a suggestion for you (and I know that you have already posted your current tomcat config files for people to look at, but do this in parallel).

If you really want to understand how tomcat works in its basic form, then do 
this :
- go to the "official tomcat website" tomcat.apache.org, and download an "official tomcat 9" from that website. - unpack it and install it, to some directory of your choice like "/opt/tomcat9" or "/srv/tomcat9" (pick somewhere where there are not already a lot of things).

The difference with a packaged version, is mainly this :
- the whole tomcat software and standard configuration files will be installed under a single directory of your choice (e.g. /opt/tomcat9), and will be in a simple layout, like
- /opt/tomcat9
- bin (the basic startup scripts, and the initial tomcat "bootstrap.jar" which loads tomcat and starts it)
    - conf (the configuration files)
    - lib (the java libraries of tomcat and used by tomcat)
    - logs (the logfiles that tomcat writes)
    - temp (a writeable work directory for temporary files)
    - webapps (top of all the application directories)
       - ROOT (the "default" application - basically a basic "Hello" page)
    - work (where tomcat expands some files when it starts)

(It will not put things anywhere else, nor interfere with any other software that is already there, and it will be easy to delete when you do not want it anymore.)

This tomcat, you will not really run it at first. But it will give you an overview of the pieces, and how they relate to one another, in a simple layout. It will also make it a lot easier for you to get help here, and to find your way in the on-line tomcat documentation, which often refers to such a standard layout. (And you may even try to run it, following the detailed instructions that you will find in the top directory, in the file "RUNNING.txt". It is really quite simple.).

The issue with per-platform packaged versions, is that they do re-arrange all these pieces and files into other locations, to better fit the logic of other packages on that platform. And then they put a series of links between these directories, files etc., to make that packaged tomcat find these different pieces when it runs. That is perfectly ok, and it makes it easier later, to run tomcat automatically as a daemon, update it, manage its logfiles etc. But makes it quite difficult to find things initially, unless you have that standard layout to guide you. (Because then at least you know what you are looking for).

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