
Tom Miller wrote:
> The following said that if client click on links that including *.jsp
> then forward the requested to tomcat using worker2.  But where will
> it go when the traffic forward to tomcat.  If one have more than one
> context under Tomcat. How does it know which one to go from the 
> three.

Each worker you have points to an instance of Tomcat (it can be more
complicated than that, but this is generally true). Based upon the
/path/ of the URI, Tomcat will choose the correct webapp.

> JkMount /*.jsp worker2

If you have a webapp deployed into '/foo' and you access '/foo/bar.jsp',
then you will be sent to the 'foo' webapp.

> Per your and other suggestion, I did this and it will give me error
> via the apache log.
> *** modified httpd.conf file ****
> JkMount /tticket/*.jsp worker2

So, you are expecting either a webapp called 'tticket' or you are using
the ROOT webapp and have a directory called 'tticket' in there.

Can you give us more details about your deployment?


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