> From: Konstantin Kolinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Class loading issue
> Nevertheless, the official path to provide a custom XML parsing
> library is to use the endorsing mechanism. See "XML Parsers and J2SE
> 1.4", "XML Parsers and JSE 5" chapters in class-loader-howto.html

That doc is somewhat incorrect, in particular this statement:

"In previous versions of Tomcat 5, you could simply replace the XML
parser in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory to change the parser
used by all web applications. However, this technique will not be
effective when you are running on J2SE 1.4, because the usual class
loader delegation process will always choose the implementation inside
the JDK in preference to this one."

It ignores the ability to override the JRE/JDK implementation by using
the appropriate system property or the JAR Service Provider mechanism.
I suspect the latter is why placing the oddly named a_xercesImpl.jar in
common/lib allows things to "work".

Setting -Djaxp.debug=true might generate some light on the issue.

 - Chuck

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