Abhi wrote:
This is an issue with the way getServletContextName() is implemented in
Resin and Tomcat. In Tomcat this returns the display-name of the application
where as in Resin it returns the URL prefix for the servlet context. Once I
added a display name to my web application I am getting the context name in

What I actually want is the URL prefix for the servlet context. The method
to access this would be httpServletRequest.getContextPath(). But I want to
access this in a filter.

And is there any reason why you cannot ?
I have this in a filter :

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp,
           FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

  HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
  StringBuffer callURL = request.getRequestURL();

(and I suppose you can also call request.getContextPath())

Does anybody know a container independent way to do this?
As far as I know, the above should be.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Abhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Mark.

I am getting the context name using the session object

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Abhi wrote:
I am trying to migrate my application from Resin to Tomcat 6.0.18. The
application runs fine, but my application context name(the context is
created) is coming as null in Tomcat.
How are you getting the context name?

<web-app id="/Foo" root-directory="webapps/Foo"/>

Can someone please let me know as to what exactly should I put in
context.xml, where should I place it in Tomcat and should it be called
context.xml or should it be renamed to my web application name?
In this case, you don't need a context.xml file. Just remove it from your

If you had needed to use a context.xml file then it should located at
META-INF/context.xml inside your WAR.

Tomcat will automatically extract it to CATALINA_BASE/conf/<engine
name>/<host name>/<name of web app>.xml

For a WAR file foo.war in a default install this would be


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