Adria Stembridge wrote:
Well, I appear to have something wrong.   Pages are not served over 80 or
443 after updating server.xml and iptables.

[linux]# netstat -an | grep LISTEN
try netstat -pan, which will also give you the PID of the process owning the listening socket.

tcp        0      0 ::ffff:       :::*


Not listening on 80 or 443.

Nor on 8009 either, which it should according to your <Connector> tags shown. But it does seem to be listening on 8005, which is the Tomcat shutdown port usually (the one mentioned in the <Server ..> tag).

For netstat, the firewall/iptables configuration should be irrelevant, no ? It only (possibly) blocks external attempts to connect to these ports.


I may be missing something obvious - but what?

Are you sure there are not just <!-- comment --> signs around your <Connector> tags ?

Don't the Tomcat logs say anything helpful ?

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