Thank you. That is something I am not clear about.

Suppose there is link( https://B....)   provided on an web application
hosted at A (tomcat server) that access service on B which through a
Once user clicks that link  a encrypted channel is established between A and
B. If B asks client certificate A will furnish it. I am not sure if this
responsibility falls to  web application or container ?

If it is container I do not see what configuration I need to do.

Thank you.

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 9:33 AM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> rangeli nepal wrote:
>> Thank you for your response. I would have definitely not written to this
>> group, if my question would just related to SSL terminating on Apache.
>> Here
>> is my scenario:
>> ___________                                     ____________
>> |                   |                                   |
>>  |
>> |        A         |____________________|        B           |
>> |___________|                                   |____________|
>>  Unfortunately, as you have probably noticed, that drawing does not come
> out very well in this media.  But thanks for trying.
>  A is a tomcat server and B is an Apache server bastion of all the web
>> service inside. Apache needs client side Authentication.
>> My question is what I need to do on A( tomcat) so that it can accepts
>> certificate from B and B will accept certificate from A (tomcat).
> Which makes me think that this has nothing to do with Tomcat per se.
> It looks like what you want is that some /application/ running inside
> Tomcat would be able to connect to Apache via SSL, and exchange certificates
> with it.
> That would be a pure Java programming matter, and the fact that the
> application itself happens to be running inside Tomcat is purely
> circumstancial and changes nothing to the matter.
> Or am I misunderstanding your schema ?
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