> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:08 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: jvmRoute generation
> Hash: SHA1
> Jeffrey,
> On 8/24/2011 9:59 AM, Jeffrey Janner wrote:
> > As Chris pointed out, it is mostly used by folks running with
> > "sticky-sessions"
> Actually, use of the jvmRoute with non-sticky sessions seems like an
> unnecessary step to me, since non-sticky sessions implies that you
> either have no sessions (and it doesn't matter at all) or you have
> replicated sessions where it doesn't matter which cluster member you
> reach.
> > but from what I've been able to tell, most folks set up their
> > clusters that way. It lessens the headaches.
> Practically speaking, clustering Tomcat instances means session
> replication, which (if you ask me) does not warrant session stickiness
> (though session replication does take some time... I don't know enough
> about TC's clustering to know whether race conditions are possible or
> probable).

Yea, it's that back-end replication stuff that causes all the headaches.  From 
what I've seen, mostly on this list, folks tend to set up the cluster 
w/replication, but keep the sessions sticky, as a fail-over scenario.  That is, 
they want to avoid requiring login on a fail-over. The httpd-JK does a pretty 
good job of load-balancing the sessions between the clusters.
Session replication delay issues totally depend on what method you are using to 
do the replication.  Only race conditions I can think of would be caused by 
subsequent requests coming in faster than replication can occur. In some 
methods you might be able to avoid that, others, not so easy.

> For my money, I'd go for sticky sessions and no replication at all. If
> you really need cluster-wide session access, look to other solutions
> (memcached, db-backed sessions, etc.).
> - -chris

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