Bob Hutchinson wrote:
> On Sunday 26 Mar 2006 19:42, Robin Bowes wrote:
>>Bill Shupp wrote:
>>>Perhaps it's missing in the form.  Can you verify that?  If so, I'm
>>>surprised this has not been reported before.
>>I've done some more checking. I've turned on the mysql query log, and
>>the query that is being sent when I try to login with
>>        Email='' and
>>        Password='543e1d35c7c833e578709d2baabdc79c' and
>>        Status='active' LIMIT 1
>>Looking in the accounts table, this is not the md5 hash of "test":
>>mysql> select md5('test'), password from accounts;
>>| md5('test')                      | password                         |
>>| 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 | 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 |
>>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>Also, looking in index.php, I see this block of code:
>>} else if($_REQUEST['state'] == "login_screen") {
>>    $smarty->display('header.tpl');
>>    require('src/login_screen.php');
>>    $smarty->display('footer.tpl');
>>    exit;
>>The file 'login_screen.php' does not exist:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] vegadns-]# pwd
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] vegadns-]# find . -name login_screen.php
>>Does that shed any light on the issue?
> looks to me like you have found a piece of leftover code, you could try 
> replacing the 
> require('src/login_screen.php');
> with
> $smarty->display('login_screen.tpl');
> I have to admit I have never stumbled across this bug, probably because
> $_REQUEST['state'] == "login_screen" is never called AFAICT
> vegadns- > grep -rni 'login_screen' *
> index.php:112:    $smarty->display('login_screen.tpl');
> index.php:128:} else if($_REQUEST['state'] == "login_screen") {
> index.php:133:    require('src/login_screen.php');
> Are you managing to log in at all?
> Have a look at the db with phpmyadmin or somesuch, it might help you resolve 
> this

When I first connect after a clean install I am logged in automatically.
It appears that I can use most of the functionality but checking the
logs reveals that several variables are not being passed between forms
(cid being one example that prevent login).

If I log out I am unable to log back in again even with the original

I've checked with phpmyadmin (and mysql command line) and the
username/password remains unchanged.

The MySQL query log actually shows that the app. is submitting the wrong
md5 hashed password (see above).

I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this but I can't put my
finger on it just at the moment...


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